Service complaint

Based on Article 16 of the Law on Public Enterprises in FBiH ("Official Gazette of FBiH No. 8/2205, 81/2008, 22/2009, 109/2012), Article 7 of the Law on Consumer Protection of FBiH ("Official Gazette of FBiH" No. 5/2006, 88/2015), Article 43.  and Article 49 of the Statute of the KJP "ZOI'84" OCS doo The Director of the KJP "ZOI'84" OCS reports:


Article 1.

This procedure regulates in more detail the conditions for submitting a service User's complaint, the way in which a complaint can be reported, the procedure for a reported complaint, as well as other issues related to the handling of a user's complaint, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection of the FBiH ("Official Gazette of the FBiH " number 5/2006, 88/2015)

Article 2.

User is any natural or legal person who uses services of KJP "ZOI'84" OCS doo Sarajevo (hereinafter: KJP "ZOI'84"). A complaint is an objection or complaint regarding the service provided by KJP "ZOI'84" within the scope of performing an activity that was not performed as contracted, as well as a complaint due to incorrectly calculated cij, the User has the right to submit a complaint in connection with the service provided by KJP "ZOI'84" within 30 (thirty)  days from the day of the service provided, i.e. within 60 (sixty) days at the latest, in case of a hidden defect in the service provided.

The exception to these terms are Users of seasonal ski passes, where the User who did not use the seasonal ski pass from the previous season, and due to physical disability caused by serious injuries or if they were prevented due to illness, acquire the right to reissue the seasonal ski pass for the following season, whereby the User submits a complaint no later than 5 (five) days before the official end of pre-season sales in the current year.

Upon expiry of the term from paragraph (2). of this article and pre-season sales, the User loses the right to submit complaints.

Article 3.

KJP "ZOI'84" is obliged to visibly display the Notice on the method and place of submission of the User's complaint at its points of sale. (hereinafter: Notice). The user can make a complaint verbally at the point of sale where the service was purchased, or at another place designated for receiving complaints, by phone, in writing, electronically, or on a permanent record carrier, with the delivery of the original receipt for inspection or other evidence proving that he used services of KJP "ZOI'84"

The Notification will state the name and surname of the person responsible for receiving the complaint, the phone number and the working hours during which the complaint will be received.

KJP "ZOI'84" will at all points of sale next to the Notice from paragraph (1). of this article highlight and the following note:

KJP "ZOI'84" reserves the right not to decide on the User's Complaint Request in case of impossibility to provide the contracted service due to unfavorable weather conditions (high air temperature in the winter ski season, bad meteorological conditions, closure of the ski slope or part of the ski slope for general safety , suspension of cable car operation due to force majeure, etc.)."

The persons responsible for receiving complaints at the Public Utility Company "ZOI'84" will enter the complaints into the internal electronic records that will be created for the Management, and will also enter the complaints received from the Ski Center and from the Management into a single electronic record.

The persons in charge of receiving complaints at the Ski Center are obliged to submit received complaints with accompanying documentation to the Administration of the KJP "ZOI'84". at the latest the following day for the previous day.

Article 4.

The person in charge of receiving complaints will issue a written confirmation of receipt of the complaint or confirm the receipt of the complaint electronically, or if the complaint was made verbally or by phone, inform the User of the number under which the complaint was filed. The persons in charge of receiving complaints are obliged to immediately, upon receipt, enter the complaint in the internal electronic records from Article 3, paragraph (4). of this Procedure.

The person in charge of receiving complaints to the Administration of KJP "ZOI'84" is obliged to immediately, upon receipt of the documentation from Article 3, paragraph (5). of this Procedure or the completed entry into the internal electronic records for the Management of the KJP "ZOI'84", enter the reported complaints into a single electronic record.

The confirmation of receipt of the complaint is Annex 1 of this Procedure and is an integral part of it.

Article 5.

Records of complaints received are kept in the form of internal electronic records and contain the following information: information about the applicant and the date of receipt of the complaint, a brief description and request for a complaint, the date of issuance of the confirmation of receipt of the complaint, the Decision on the response to the User, the date of delivery of the Decision, the agreed temporary the deadline for resolution agreed to by the User, the method and date of resolution of the complaint, as well as possibly information about the extension of the deadline for resolution of the complaint.

Records of received complaints are kept in the Administration of the KJP "ZOI'84" and are kept for at least 2 (two) years from the date of submission of the complaint.

Member 6.

About the User's Request from member 2 of this Procedure is decided by the Complaints Commission (hereinafter: the Commission) The Commission consists of a president and three members.

User who requests the reissuance of a season ski pass, in addition to the reported complaint, it is necessary to submit a proof from a doctor or some other document proving the reasons from Article 2 paragraph (2) along with the Request.

The Director of KJP "ZOI'84" determines by Decision president and members of the Commission. Director  appoints one person in charge of receiving complaints and entering them into internal electronic records, i.e. into a single electronic record. 

Article 7.

The user has no right to complain if the deviation of the service provided by KJP "ZOI'84" caused by the fault of the User, as well as in the case when the provision of the contracted service is not possible due to the reasons specified in the article  3. paragraph (3) of this Procedure.

Member 8.

The Commission is obliged to, within 8 (eight) days to the day of receipt of the complaint, respond to the User in writing or electronically to the reported complaint. The response to a consumer complaint must contain:

- the decision whether to accept the complaint;

- a statement on the User's Request and a specific proposal;

- the deadline for resolving the complaint.

KJP "ZOI'84" is obliged to act in accordance with the Decision, the proposal and the deadline for the execution of the complaint, if it has received the consent of the User.

Article 9.

 The deadline for resolving the complaint cannot be longer than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of submission

complaints. If, for objective reasons, KJP "ZOI'84" is unable to comply with the User's request within the mutually agreed upon deadline, it is obliged to notify the User of the extension of the deadline for resolving the complaint and  specify the deadline in which he will resolve, as well as to obtain his consent.

In the internal electronic records, that is, the single electronic records, the fact of the extension of the deadline for resolving the complaint, as well as the consent of the consumer, is stated.

It is possible to extend the deadline for resolving the complaint at once.

Article 10.

 For everything that is not regulated by this Procedure, the provisions of the FBiH Consumer Protection Law will apply.

Article 1 1 .

 This procedure comes into force on the day it is published on the bulletin board.